About Karla

KARLA CLARK wanted to be an author when she was a child...then she wanted to be an artist. She feels very blessed to be both. Her passion for writing comes from her father who was a consummate storyteller. She is the author of ten books—three novels, a book of short stories, and six children's picture books. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Rockford Arts Council, and the Society of Midland Authors, and serves on the board of the Arc of Winnebago, Boone & Ogle (Social Services Organization). Karla has been nominated for Rockford Woman of the Year and Rock Valley College Alumni Hall of Fame, and was the recipient of Boylan High School’s Alumni Excellence Award in 2019.
Karla lives in Rockford, Illinois, with her husband and son. When she's not writing, she creates decoupage paper collages and digital art that she sells on this site and at art shows.
karla is represented by connor eck of the eck agency, ny, ny

Karla with her agent Connor Eck upon first meeting in March 2018
a few fun facts:

I love my family and my dog!

I'm the co-founder of
It's on May 16th!
Visit our website for all the details!

I'm an artist and I am obsessed with Vincent
Van Gogh. Here's one of my digital paintings of Vincent.